Renault Trucks
With Fresh Britain I contributed to work for the launch of a new Renault Truck and brand positioning.
Show the world that the Renault Truck brand understands and meets the consumer and user needs.
Show the world that the Renault Truck brand understands and meets the consumer and user needs.
Event assets
Designed to illustrate the use of graphic assets on the physical journey to the launch event by guests. To show the touch points and opportunities to interact with guests prior to arrival. Beginning with the design for the invite to the event itself to be emailed and posted (left) and including a note book, culminating in the reveal of the new product range and branding.
Viral film proposal
As part of the campaign launch and lead up to the product reveal for Renault Trucks, Fresh proposed a branded viral film to highlight some of the key features and aspects of the trucks design. Above are some of the ideas I put down into a presentation. The star of the viral film being a stunt cyclist named Danny Macaskill, already a well known viral star, would ride through the Renault factory and design site performing tricks.